Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Julius Caesar :: essays research papers

     In Julius Caesar Brutus shows the qualities of a lamentable legend all through this play however being a decent individual yet makes a blunder in judgment, and when this mistake happened it causes his own ruin. Leading is that Brutus makes a mistake in judgment by joining the scheme to over toss Caesar. Yet, the main explanation that Brutus had joined was on the grounds that his deplorable blemish was respect; he carried on with his life on the rules of respect and reliability. Presently in conclusion Brutus had caused his own one of a kind destruction when in the wake of slaughtering Caesar all of Rome has now betrayed the plotters. Those are a portion of the reasons that show Brutus is an awful legend.      Brutus had joined the trick for respect and to benefit Rome. However by joining this gathering his respect is truly being scrutinized on the grounds that when he joined the scheme he promised to participate in the homicide of Julius Caesar. Brutus and Caesar are closest companions, so now how is it respectable to murder one of your companions? In any case, Brutus and different backstabbers had asserted that Caesar was going to guarantee himself the lord of Rome. At the point when one has guaranteed themselves the lord of Rome the individuals of Rome reserve the privilege to murder that individual. So by saying this when the schemers realized that Caesar was going to guarantee the tossed they strike and execute him. In any case, another of Brutus’ qualities has now showed up, devotion.      Loyalty and respect are the main deplorable blemishes that Brutus has yet these are the explanation that he has murdered Caesar. Brutus had said that he had slaughtered Caesar to benefit Rome and that his progenitors would have needed this. Which is genuine that his progenitors had said that if any man were to guarantee themselves the lord of Rome to murder them, yet Caesar had never asserted himself ruler. The plotters had just accepted that. So actually by slaughtering Caesar it wasn’t showing dedication and respect it was truly demonstrating idiocy. Be that as it may, Brutus’ unfortunate imperfections are the genuine explanation of his own ruin, just as Rome’s.      Unfortunately Rome’s destruction was on the grounds that Brutus had caused his own defeat. It previously began when the schemers slaughtered Caesar, yet what had exacerbated things was permitting Antony to talk at Caesar’s burial service. After the burial service local people of Rome was so moved by Antony’s discourse that they were in a visually impaired anger and needed to slaughter any backstabber that they had discovered, which wound up in the demise of Cinna the writer.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Data Analysis for Northern Beaches Council

Question: Examine about the Data Analysis for Northern Beaches Council. Answer: The analyst has procured information from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) which is an Australian Government Research Institute and it is working for the measurable socioeconomics of different zones Australia. Populace: The information from the Key figures according to September 2016 shows, Northern Beaches Council has the number of inhabitants in 263413 and it shows a potential populace in the nearby government territory Northern Beaches gathering of New South Wales (Statistics-Sep 2016, 2017). The information likewise shows that the absolute populace of Australia is 24220200 (Statistics-Sep 2016, 2017). The all out no of offspring of the year 7 to year 12 in Northern Beaches Council is 74586 (Statistics-Sep 2016, 2017). From the above information, it very well may be reasoned that, there is adequate populace development in Northern Beaches Council to have enough grown-ups who can conceive an offspring and give youngsters to the year-7 to year-12, that is, there is sufficient no. of grown-ups to make accessible the objective clients for the new company. Birth rate: The no of births in Northern Beaches Council is sufficiently high contrasted with different regions of NSW. The information procured by Australian Bureau of Statistics for 2015, in Northern Beaches Council the no of single births was 1241, twins birth was 131 and triplet birth was 6 (Births-2015, 2017). Notwithstanding, the 66% of the absolute birth was to the guardians who have done enlisted marriage (Births-2015, 2017). The information finishes up, the birth rate in Northern Beaches Council is sufficient to get the understudies of year-7 to year-12 for the new company in next 10 years. The Australian Bureau of Statistics has included that, in Northern Beaches Council the no of birth was reliable in earlier year and expected to be predictable in forthcoming years as well. Salary: The gathered information to get data about pay proclamation of the grown-ups who can bring forth the youngster who can be the understudy of year 7 to year 12 in next 10 years in Northern Beaches Council expresses, the normal pay of the laborers in Northern Beaches Council is $75963 every year (Average Salary Australia, 2017). This information speaks to, the grown-ups has adequate purchasing capacity to pass on the costs of the expenses for the instructing class. References: Normal Salary Australia. (2017). Livingin-australia.com. Recovered 8 April 2017, from https://www.livingin-australia.com/compensations australia/ Births-2015.(2017).Abs.gov.au.Retrieved8April2017,fromhttps://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/Latestp/3301.0Main%20Features32015?opendocumenttabname=Summaryprodno=3301.0issue=2015num=view Insights Sep 2016. (2017). Abs.gov.au. Recovered 8 April 2017, from https://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/mf/3101.0

Pride And Prejudice By Jane Austen Essays (636 words) -

Pride And Prejudice By Jane Austen Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice is the narrative of an English family in the early 1800's. The focal subject in the story is the need of making a decent marriage for every one of the five little girls in the Bennet family. Elizabeth Bennet is the focal character in the novel and the second most seasoned girl. The job of her sisters' characters impact Elizabeth's considerations about her own sentimental intrigue, Fitzwilliam Darcy, all through the novel. Lydia Bennet, Elizabeth's most youthful sister assumes a significant job in Elizabeth's affections for Darcy. At last, Lydia's inappropriate conduct unites Elizabeth and Darcy, legitimizing Austen's depiction of Lydia as a graceless, inactive, and unreasonable young lady. Lydia Bennet's job in Pride and Prejudice is twofold. She is the first of five little girls to be hitched which bolsters the novel's fundamental subject of the need of making a decent marriage. Her elopement with Wickham brings disfavor to the family, by and by, she marries which fulfills her mother's desire to see every last bit of her little girls wed well. The matter of her life was to get her little girls wedded. (Vol. I, Chapter 1). Lydia's job is likewise that of her mom's preferred little girl. She resembles her mom in numerous ways; obtuse, straightforward, and bold. In Lydia's creative mind, a visit to Brighton involved each chance of natural bliss. She saw herself situated underneath a tent, gently playing with in any event six officials at once. (Vol. II, Chapter 18). Lydia is the direct inverse of Elizabeth who is touchy, clever, and chivalrous. Austen utilizes Lydia's rash conduct as a methods for Elizabeth, the focal character, to get that Darcy is the man who, in manner and gifts, would most suit her. (Vol. III, Chapter 8) Throughout the novel Elizabeth misconstrues Darcy's aims and activities, and rejects his underlying proposition of marriage accepting that they are illsuited. At the point when Lydia runs off with Wickham, Elizabeth is humiliated yet understands that Darcy's past allegations against Wickham and her family were supported. Gracious! how generously did she lament over each ungracious sensation she had ever supported, each saucy discourse she had ever coordinated towards him. (Vol. III, Chapter 10) Darcy orchestrates the best possible marriage of Lydia and Wickham, sparing the whole Bennet family from slight what's more, humiliation. At the point when Elizabeth endeavors to express gratitude toward Darcy he concedes that the desire of offering joy to you...led me on, I considered just you. (Vol. III, Chapter 16) Lydia's wild, ill-advised conduct gives the impetus for the commitment of Elizabeth and Darcy. All through the novel, Lydia is depicted as a boorish, inert, nonsensical multi year old young lady. She is deficient in like manner sense and decision making ability, dismissing the results of her activities. Look here, I have purchased this cap. I don't think it is beautiful; be that as it may, I suspected I should get it as not. (Vol. II, Chapter 16). When Lydia comes back to her family in the wake of eloping with Wickham she shows no regret for the disfavor she brought to the family. She abandoned sister to sister, requesting their congratulations...she followed supper to give her ring and brag of being hitched. (Vol. III, Chapter 9). After the marriage of Elizabeth and Darcy, Lydia proceeded with her dismissal for basic tolerability as appeared in a letter to her sister; Wickham might want a spot at court definitely, furthermore, I don't figure we will have very cash enough to live upon without a few help. (Vol. III, Chapter 19). All through Jane Austen's Pride and Bias, Lydia Bennet is depicted as a boorish and nonsensical youthful lady; the most youthful of five sisters who is the first to wed. Lydia is a minor character in the story in contrast with her more established sister, Elizabeth, yet she assumes a significant job in the marriage of her sister and Darcy. It is Lydia's inappropriate conduct (elopement) that makes Elizabeth fully aware of Darcy's actual goodness and warmth, permitting her to concede her adoration for him. Both focal characters are capable beaten their pride and preference, concede their own flaws, furthermore, manufacture a steady, upbeat marriage.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Different Versions of the Birth of Dionysus

Various Versions of the Birth of Dionysus In Greek folklore, there are frequently unique and clashing renditions of legendary occasions. The tale of the introduction of Dionysus is the same, and Dionysus muddles matters by having various names. Here are two adaptations of the introduction of Dionysus and one of the related birth of Zagreus: From a joining among Persephone and Zeus in snake structure sprang the horned god Zagreus. Desirous Hera convinced the Titans to assault the newborn child god as he investigated a mirror. In addition to the fact that they tore him to pieces, however the Titans ate him everything except his heart which Athena protected. From this organ, the remainder of the god was revived. Semele is impregnated by drinking a readiness produced using the core of Dionysus who had been destroyed by the Titans. [Pseudo-Hyginus, Fabulae 167]Most recognizable is the tale of Semeles impregnation by Zeus however inability to live long enough to bring forth the youngster. To spare the hatchling, Zeus sewed him inside himself and conceived an offspring through his leg when the time came.(ll. 940-942) And Semele, girl of Cadmus was gotten together with him in adoration and exposed him a marvelous child, blissful Dionysus, a human lady an undying child. What's more, presently the two of them are divine beings. H esiod, Theogony (trans. Evelyn-White) Homeric Hymn1 to Dionysus ((LACUNA))(ll. 1-9) For some state, at Dracanum; and a few, on blustery Icarus; and a few, in Naxos, O Heaven-conceived, Insewn; and others by the profound eddying waterway Alpheus that pregnant Semele uncovered you to Zeus the thunder-darling. What's more, others yet, ruler, state you were conceived in Thebes; however all these falsehood. The Father of men and divine beings gave you birth remote from men and furtively from white-furnished Hera. There is a sure Nysa, a mountain generally high and luxuriously developed with woods, far away in Phoenice, close to the surges of Aegyptus.((LACUNA))(ll. 10-12) ...and men will lay up for her numerous contributions in her holy places. What's more, as these things are three, so will humans ever forfeit ideal hecatombs to you at your dining experiences every three years.(ll. 13-16) The Son of Cronos talked and gestured with his dim foreheads. Also, the heavenly bolts of the lord streamed forward from his undying head, and he made incredible Ol ympus reel. So spake savvy Zeus and appointed it with a nod.(ll. 17-21) Be great, O Insewn, Inspirer of furious ladies! we artists sing of you as we start and as we end a strain, and none overlooking you may bring heavenly melody to mind. Thus, goodbye, Dionysus, Insewn, with your mom Semele whom men call Thyone.Source: The Homeric Hymns I. To Dionysus [3.4.3] But Zeus adored Semele and had relations with her obscure to Hera. Presently Zeus had consented to accomplish for her whatever she asked, and beguiled by Hera she asked that he would go to her as he came when he was charming Hera. Unfit to can't, Zeus went to her marriage chamber in a chariot, with lightning and thunderings, and propelled a jolt. Be that as it may, Semele lapsed of trepidation, and Zeus, grabbing the 6th month unsuccessful kid from the fire, sewed it in his thigh. On the demise of Semele, different little girls of Cadmus spread a report that Semele had slept with a human man, and had dishonestly blamed Zeus and that along these lines she had been impacted by thunder. Be that as it may, at the best possible time, Zeus fixed the fastens and brought forth Dionysus, and depended him to Hermes. What's more, he passed on him to Ino and Athamas, and convinced them to raise him as a young lady.- Apollodorus 3.4.3

Friday, August 7, 2020

Thank Goodness!

Thank Goodness! (the tagline is my favorite line from Wicked, hahaha how philosophical it is LOL) So hello from the other side of a terrible week of midterms! Although Im technically only taking 4 classes this term, I had midterms in three of them (Spanish 4, Biology Lab, and Organic Chemistry thats 21F.704, 7.02, and 5.12 for all ye eager beavers) this week. Although the Spanish and Bio went fine, Im pretty sure that the Orgo exam was a colossal disaster (despite me only sleeping around 4 hours in the last 40 hours because of studying for the test). Sigh. Any hints on how to do well in Orgo? Its supposed to be the most basic of all my classes that Im taking this semester (7.05 biochemistry technically requires 5.12 as a prereq but Im doing them concurrently. Ironically, Im getting a far better grade in 7.05 than 5.12) but Im seriously struggling in orgo. Argh! begins long rant on organic chemistry (I dont know if you guys remember when you first learned Calculus. For me, when I first took Calc BC in sophomore year, Calc was just a huge nightmare, since there were so many tricks with integration and differentiation that you had to learn, and there were so many things that didnt make sense to my young and undisciplined mind. I dont know if it was the fact that the idea of calculus seemed so novel to me or whether our calc teacher purposely selected the most difficult problems that he could find (seriously, he was so mean through his preparation, I almost did the actual AP test blindfolded (ok not literal), finished in half the time allotted, and passed it with flying colors) but I remember staring at pages of worked examples but just seeing a huge blob of numbers and variables melting into each other. Larson, Anton, 1000 Worked Problems in Calculus quickly became my best friends through long sleepless nights. Now, its funny, because I almost feel the same way with Orgo. Just like Calculus, I feel its almost like learning a new language in the sense that you have to really re-examine the way that you think about chemistry and no longer depend on the memorization or the erroneous reasoning that may have carried you through in the past. I would spend hours studying McMurry thinking Ive understood all the reasoning and the mechanisms but then turn to a pset or some solved examples and feeling completely lost again. Meh. In retrospect, I picked up many calc problems that I struggled with in the past when I was sorting my high school papers out last year, and now, they seem like childs play. Perhaps Larson had done his magic in my head, but I feel like some parts of calculus had ingrained themselves so deeply in my mind that they could never be removed. I can only hope its the same for orgo?) finishes long rant on organic chemistry Spring Break is coming up, and tonight Ill be leaving with five of my peers to The Hague, Netherlands, where well be representing MIT (well, and the nation of Belize) at WorldMUN. Should be quite exciting and a welcome break away from campus (although, on the bright side Boston is getting a lot warmer recently! hehe). Well, this post is more of a celebratory note after a week of hideous preparation for exams (after I press the save button, Im going to go snooze until 1 PM =p). So its pretty devoid of meaningful content, hahaha. Although I do want to share with you a JDrama that I just finished watching that has connections with MIT! The drama is called QED, Shoumei Shuuryou in Japanese, and it actually only just finished airing in Japan like 2 weeks ago, so its really recent! (actually, it started airing when I was spending IAP in Japan). Well, you guys know what QED is in English, and Shoumei Shuuryou is basically just the equivalent of that in Japanese. The drama profiles this prodigy guy (Touma So) who graduated from youve guessed it MIT when he was only 15. (as the valedictorian of Course 18 to boot what makes me more curious is that MIT doesnt append honors to degrees, so can one know that he graduated first? =p). For some reason (to be discussed in the drama), he decided to leave off continuing at MIT for grad school and enroll himself in a regular Japanese high school. At the school, he is befriended by Kana, the energetic and oft-flamboyant female protagonist, whose brash actions lead the duo into one adventure after another. The drama is laid out like most detective dramas, with one episode consisting of one mystery, and usually Touma solving the crime very suavely 10 minutes before the end. His signature is presenting his argument and analysis of the mystery with the letters Q. E. D. which contributes to the title of the drama. So the whole drama has very little to do with MIT as a whole after Touma was introduced as a MIT grad in Episode 1, but I find it kind of amusing how that drama inadvertently also reveals many stereotypes and conceptions towards MIT (or prestigious universities as a whole in the US) in the Japanese society. For example, MIT was often uttered with an air of awe in the drama, and we often see Touma writing mathematical proofs on the blackboard with speed and elegance (actually I feel this math stereotype towards MIT is very emphasized in Asia. my host family in Japan was pretty surprised in the beginning when I told them that I was studying biology at MIT, since they thought that only math, physics, and computer science existed at MIT). I also thought it was pretty interesting how the directors chose MIT (or rather, the original author of the manga, since this drama is adapted from a manga series) to be Toumas alma mater, when he could have as easily chosen Harvard or Princeton, for e xample. This just goes to show that the letters M. I. T. are forever connected with scientific excellence no matter where you are in the world. ;) Anyways, theres a few more pics that attest Toumas suaveness bestowed upon him by MIT. MIT students often point out their teachers mistakes, yknow? =p So these photos are stolen from a MIT grad students blog (thanks and sorry for the hotlinkage! =p) and she goes into an admirably deep analysis of the mathematical proof presented in the first episode, should you be interested in pursuing the subject further. =p So this is later on in the drama recognize that building in the background? (and the admittedly poor Photoshop skills? =p) The drama itself is comprised of ten 45-minute episodes, and is fairly enjoyable throughout (I must warn you, however, that the drama veers into severe fantasy plots towards the end of the series, and that was kind of irritating given the more scientific feel of Episodes 1 and 2). (ps. Its also kind of interesting after you see how often Touma consumes yakisoba pan in the series. Along with his dramatic Q.E.D flourishes, this is another thing to look for =p. pps. I also really love yakisoba pan, and thats why I brought it up, hahaha. Try some if you go to Japan! Theyre usually really, really cheap like around 100 or 200 yen.) Have a wonderful wonderful spring break!